Thanks to the advancement and accuracy of the FEA and virtual validation technologies, 48+ months new vehicle development programs are gone for good. However, with increasing geo-techno-polito-economic pressures even 36+ months started looking long.
So, what next?
Before jumping the gun let’s try to understand where, if at all possible, are still some scope left to squeeze.

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CAD creation and design release ? Naa, PLM has already made the process streamline here.
Ok, physical testing and prototype for that? Nothing much left here as well as CAE already virtualized as much as possible.
Wait, what about CAE itself. Can we streamline further here by any means?
Today, typically, the ratio of speed at which a design is created to the speed it is analyzed is approximately 10:1. On top of that the typical ratio of design engineer to CAE engineers is also around 10:1. So all in all there are huge scope of improvement here.
Through Simulation Driven Design (SDD).
Tell me more.
Simulation Driven Design methodology is the brainchild of Altair. Where Altair’s Inspire platform allows the product creators to
1. consider both the performance requirements and the manufacturing process requirement upfront right while creating the design concept and
2. Upon the creation it also allows to perform RAPID verification against the performance targets and the process defects.
As a result, not only the huge burden from the FEA team to run all the design get removed but also the LOOP between the design-CAE as well as design-Manufacturing get reduced typically more than 85%.
Hi, I am Shibashis, a blogger by passion and an engineer by profession. I have written most of the articles for For more than a decades i am closely associated with the engineering design/manufacturing simulation technologies. I am a self taught code hobbyist, presently in love with Python (Open CV / ML / Data Science /AWS -3000+ lines, 400+ hrs. )